(PCM) If technology continues on its’ current path then it could very well be a possibility that robots will begin taking over or at least heavily assisting with many of life’s every day occurrences.
There have been several reports that claim that by the year of 2025 sexbots will become commonplace and that more and more robots will begin taking over human jobs, as employers will find that the robots can do the same job faster and of course cheaper.
A ton of technical experts came together to created a report called “AI, Robotics, and The Future of Jobs and nearly all of them claimed that by the year of 2025 robots will have taken over “wide segments of daily life”. The issue that they can’t seem to agree on is whether or not these robots will be a blessing or a curse to modern society.
When thinking about the every-growing sex toy industry the demand is already high for more and more realistic sex robots and researchers now feel that these robostitutes (my new favorite word) will be able to look, move, and feel like real humans. They will also be able to satisfy all the various sexual urges and have a mid-level intelligence.
There have been several movies and TV shows that show what happens when humans end up falling in love with these types of robots and it is scary to think about the effect that they may end up having on the intimacy of human to human relationships.
The report also looks at the use of self-driving vehicles, a technology that is still currently being developed, that could replace truck drivers, taxis and more. That type of technology could have the potential to leave an awful lot of people without jobs.
The benefit for robots taking over some of the more mindless or tedious jobs is that individuals that currently hold those types of positions would have more time to spend with the families etc…but somehow we can’t see that loss of income being much a benefit.
While I think that the continued advancement of technology is a wonderful thing, seeing it replace actual human interaction is a bit scary. We are already beginning to see some of that occur when looking at our complete reliance on cell phones and text messaging as a primary form of communication, I think it is only going to get worse from here.