(PCM) Much the same as newborn baby swaddling, adult swaddling is quickly becoming a growing trend among new mothers in Tokyo, Japan. Somehow we think it is only a matter of time before this trend hits the U.S. and it definitely borders on the bizarre.
New Japanese mothers are wrapping themselves from head to toe in a large white bag and allowing themselves to be rocked from side to side as a way to combat many of their post-pregnancy aches and pains. Swaddle therapists claim that adult swaddling has many health and wellness benefits including both emotional and physical healing. The swaddling is said to help with both shoulder and hip pain associated with giving birth.
The adult swaddling or “adult wrapping” was an idea birthed by a Kyoto mid-wife who assumed that new mothers who were swaddled in the same fashion as their newborn babies could be relieved of their aches and pains. Several mothers who recently participated in an adult swaddling session were seen lying on their backs with their knees held tightly to their chest while wrapped up tightly in white cloths with therapist rocking them back and forth over large pillows set up on the floor.
Many of the women were pleased with the way their bodies felt after the session, as they said it felt very warm and comforting. Many also claimed it was hard to describe the sensation with a particular word. Advocates of the practice claim it can also help people suffering from asthma to breath easier and can be looked at as a form of reflexology and exercise. Other disagree with the practice and say that new mothers experiencing any type of back pain should go see a physician to be sure that there is not a larger issue at hand.
Either way, seeing a bunch of women swaddled up rocking back and forth on the floor is definitely a bit odd, however isn’t cuddle therapy a thing? We can’t really see how this is very different than any other type of alternative health therapy.