(PCM) We couldn’t make this one up if we tried! A 19-year old man by the name of Bud Weisser was arrested for trespassing at the Budweiser Brewery in St. Louis, Missouri. According to police reports Weisser was discovered by security guards in a guarded area of the brewery after 6:00pm on Thursday. He was asked to leave the premises and after refusing an altercation broke out between Weisser and the security guards.
The police were contacted and Weisser was arrested for both trespassing and resisting arrest. Weisser’s motives for being in the brewery are unknown, perhaps he was attempting to pay homage to his moniker. Seriously, what are the chances! Police say that the brewery break-in is not Weissers’ first run-in with the law, as he was charged with breaking into a gas station back in August of 2014.