(PCM) While staying in a BDSM-themed sex motel may have been in the plans for some this past Valentine’s Day, it was certainly not what some travel weary passengers from Hainan Airlines had in mind when their flight was delayed overnight. It seems the Chinese-based airline did not do their research and mistakenly booked two female passengers a room at the sex hotel by mistake.
You could only imagine their shock upon opening up the door to the room and finding a large circle bed and various BDSM sex equipment hanging from the ceiling. The women immediately took to social media to express their anger at the situation claiming that not only did they have to wait at the airport for hours to eventually find out their flight was cancelled, but then to be booked into a room that where they found “all kinds of surprises” that would make “unmarried, single women blush” was just insulting.
The post went viral and many people began slamming Hainan Airlines for the ordeal. The airline has since apologized claiming that the bad weather forced them to have to make the accommodations on very short notice and due to many hotels being booked up for Valentine’s Day, they were left with very few options. They also went on to say that the airline employee who booked the room did not understand what “themed room” entailed.
The airline has since contacted the women and are working out a way to make it up to them, but until then Hainan Airlines will be looked at like a naughty airline for just a bit longer.