(PCM) Scientists in Colorado have made an amazing discovery that they feel shows the very first evidence uncovered about the mating rituals of dinosaurs.
There has always been speculation that leaned toward the fact that dinosaur mating rituals were similar to that of certain species of birds and this new evidence appears to support that theory.
The scientists discovered long grooves in the ground, some a long and as deep as a bathtub, that were created by the frenzied pawing of clawed feet. They feel that the number of grooves discovered show a fairly frenzied mating ritual of sorts and it is the first physical evidence of any type of courtship behavior.
The grooves are thought to have been created by a two-legged meat eating dinosaur called a theropod over 100 million years ago. The theropod has very similar attributes to a T. Rex, but on a much smaller scale.
It is suggested that that male dinosaurs would gather in clusters and frantically scrape their three-toed claws in the ground to attract the females. Many of the grooves created measure up to 6 feet long in length.
The grooves were discovered at three different sites in western Colorado and at another just outside of Denver.