(PCM) A 32-year old man named Hsieh was discovered to be dead in a Taiwan Internet cafe due to cardiac arrest after a massive three-day video gaming marathon.
Sources claim that Hsieh, who was unemployed, had a history of leaving his family for several days at a time to indulge in his video gaming habits at the Internet Cafe. Hsieh’s exact time of death is unknown, however authorities claim that his body has already began to stiffen so they were able to conclude that he had been dead for several hours at the least before they were notified.
In fact, authorities also revealed that even when they and paramedics arrived on the scene at the cafe, the gamers inside continued to play as if the situation had never occurred. The cafe claims that Hsieh was a regular and that sometimes he would pass out face down on the table or in the chair, so everyone just assumed he was sleeping and not actually dead.
The authorities claim that cold temperatures and over exhaustion from the gaming marathon is what led Hsieh to go into cardiac arrest and tragically pass away.