(PCM) A 20-year old college student by the name of Saima Ahmad definitely has an appetite for Kit Kat bars, as she is seeking a lifetime supply of them from the manufacture after purchasing some defective ones. It is unclear whether or not she just purchased from a bad batch, however Ahmad claims that out of the eight Kit Kat bars she purchased, none contained the crispy wafers inside, which happen to be a Kit Kat staple.
Ahmad was so angered at the lack of wafer that she penned a letter to Kit Kat’s parent company Nestle to express her displeasure, as well as, request a lifetime supply of the candy as compensation. Her letter reads as follows:
‘The truth of the matter is; manufacturers owe a duty of care to consumers. The specific duty you owe in consistency in your manufacturing process. The failure to take due care in the manufacturing process resulted in a product being defective. As a result I feel as though I have been misled to part with my money and purchase a product that is clearly different from what has been marketed by Nestle. The loss I have suffered is of monetary and emotional significance. I would like a full refund of the defective pack of KitKat I purchased. I have also lost my faith in Nestle. Clearly, if I wanted to purchase a confectionery item that is purely chocolate, I would have purchased a bar of Galaxy. I would therefore like to request a life-long supply of KitKat so that I can act as a means of quality control – it appears you need me more than I need you.’
Ahmad goes on to stress what an important issue this is and hopes she will find support with others who have been disappointed by the company in the past! So far there has been no word from Nestle about a response to Ahmad letter or if she will indeed receive her lifetime supply of chocolate, but hey, a girl can dream!