(PCM) There has been a ton of public scrutiny surrounding the death of the groundhog that was dropped by New York mayor Bill de Blasio during the Groundhog Day ceremony at the Staten Island Zoo.
It seems that the groundhog that was used in the ceremony died about a week later and many are claiming the the groundhog’s death had been covered up. The groundhog known as Staten Island Chuck was dropped by the mayor right after he was placed in his hands by the zookeeper.
Apparently, the animal sadly passed away a week later, but the news of the groundhogs death was only publicly revealed this past Thursday. Sources claim that the zoo was told not to tell the mayor about the groundhogs death.
The deeper that people dig the more information that comes forward. It also turns out that Staten Island Chuck was not even the actual groundhog used during this year’s ceremony. A groundhog by the name of Charlotte acted as a stand-in during this years celebration.
After being dropped, Charlotte was examined by medial professionals at the zoo who reported that the fall had caused no injuries to the animal. The zoo claims that Charlotte died of natural causes, however a necropsy showed that she dies of internal injuries. Zookeepers say that those more than likely occurred the night before she died and still had nothing to do with being dropped by the mayor.