(PCM) People have done some crazy things to earn a spot in history, but few can proudly claim to have done what rapper Christ Bearer did back in the spring of 2014.
On April 16, 2014, Andre ‘Christ Bearer’ Johnson cut off a portion of his own penis during a meth/PCP/alcohol/Molly/synthetic marijuana-fueled manic episode at what he describes as a “PCP party” at an apartment in north Hollywood.
The incident gained widespread attention after paramedics responded to the scene at 1 a.m., recovered Johnson’s missing member, and transported him to the hospital for an unsuccessful attempt at reconstruction.
Paramedics were called after the rapper jumped from the window of the second floor apartment where the party was taking place, prompting a bystander to call for help.
The notorious event is back in headlines after the rapper sat down for an interview with VladTV, a celebrity news outlet, and claimed that he was proud of himself for what he did.
He claims in the interview to have been highly distressed at the time over recent restraining orders filed against him by the mothers of his three children and influenced by books about self-castrating monks, prompting him to give himself a vasectomy.
When the reality of his situation settled in and his wound started gushing blood, Christ Bearer decided to leap out the second story window.
Grateful to be alive, the rapper jokes that he ought to be “the poster boy for ‘Don’t do for PC-f***ing-P.” Johnson also professes to feeling proud of his stunt, stating: “I’m the only man ever did what the f*** I did, and I’m proud of it. Because why? In the annals of history, I don’t think you got anybody who ever did it. I might’ve made the biggest mistake ever in history. But I’m proud of that.”
Though not the first man to do this, he might be the first to be proud of himself for doing it. Johnson claims to still have use of his penis, despite doctors’ failed attempts at reattachment. Watch the full half hour interview below.