(PCM) Taiwanese design student Yi-Fei Chen has developed a new kind of weapon that is literally fueled by human emotion. Chen designed a gun that fires off real human tears rather than bullets.
The idea for the project came together when Chen was going after her Masters Degree in design at Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands. While she was student Chen became so frustrated over the language barrier when trying to communicate with her professors in regards to meeting some truly impossible assignment deadlines.
She was able to find a way to channel all of her anger and frustration into the creation of a gun that collects human tears, freezes them and then fires them off as projectiles. Definitely an interesting concept. Here’s how it works: First,the user first puts on a mask with a silicon cup that catches the tears. Next, the tears are frozen in a bottle, which is then loaded onto the gun – allowing the frozen tears to be fired.
You can view the tear gun in action in the video below:
Tear Gun from Yen-An Chen on Vimeo.
Funny enough, Chen actually fired the gun during her graduation ceremony aimed directly at the head of her department (with his permission of course). Of course no one was injured and tear bullets do not cause any harm. We imagine however that firing off the tear gun could be quite therapeutic on an emotional level and a wonderful (and safe) way to release stress.