(PCM) Each year the California State Fair holds a contest to discover the “World’s Ugliest Dog” and this year a mixed breed named Quasi Modo has snatched up the honor. Quasi Modo is a 10-year old pit bull/Dutch shepherd mix who suffers from a series of birth defects that make him resemble a hunch-back (hence his name).
Quasi Modo has no real neck of sorts and his head and legs are too large for the rest of his body. In addition to the title of “World’s Ugliest Dog”, Quasi Modo’s owner also received about the $1,500 grand prize money.
There are some that take issue with the “World’s Ugliest Dog” competition saying that it is in poor taste, however the creates claim that they are attempting to celebrate the dog’s deformities and imperfections rather than ridicule them.
Quasi Modo’s official contest bio reads: “My appearance can be a little unsettling to some (I’ve had grown men jump on top of their cars to get away from me because they thought I was a hyena or a Tasmanian devil) but once they get to know me, I win them over with my bubbly personality.”
The overall competition consisted mostly of hairless mixed breed Chihuahua’s and silly-looking Bulldogs and Pugs, who all placed behind Quasi Modo in this year’s competition. The “World’s Ugliest Dog” competition stands behind their motto of never judging a book by its’ cover and that is is okay to be different.