(PCM) For many years French officials have been faced with quite an interesting predicament at the Parc Mauresque in France, as their statue of the ancient Greek hero Heracules is missing a certain body part. It seems that vandals in the area very much enjoy stealing the statues intricately designed marble penis.
After replacing it several times, city officials have finally had enough and made the decision to leave poor Heracles penis-less for the majority of the year. They have now come up with a plan to fit the Heracles statue with a removable prosthetic penis that will only be placed on the statue at certain times of the year such as certain festivals and ceremonies.
The statue was created by artist Claude Bouscau and placed in the park in 1948. At the time the statue was placed, it is rumored that women in the city were shocked by the size of Heracles marble member and Bouscau had to shave down and remold it two times before it was considered satisfactory.
None of the stolen marble penises have ever been recovered over the years, leaving us to use our imaginations as to just what someone would want with a giant marble penis laying around the house, oh wait … nevermind!