(PCM) Talk about the dog days of summer! It has been revealed that the small town of Cormorant, Minnesota has just elected a 7-year old dog as their mayor…no joke!
Mayor Duke is a 7-year old mix breed dog and was reported voted in by a landslide in the recent election. Duke will officially be sworn in as mayor this Saturday during the town’s annual fair.
This will be Duke’s first seat in office and he will be paid in the form of an abundance of dog kibble. The local area pet food store is donating a year’s supply and after Duke’s big win her received a five hour grooming and of course a new outfit.
To be fair the town of Cormorant only has 12 residents, who were able to cast their votes in the election for $1 a piece, but we are definitely curious as to who his opponent was!
Sometimes the news just gets stranger and stranger….