(PCM) An upcoming episode of the “Dr. Phil” show features the downright bizarre story of 19-year old Haley, who is convinced that she is pregnant with the baby Jesus and no one will believe her story. Her friends and family do not believe she is pregnant at all, let along pregnant with the baby Jesus.
Haley is infuriated that she has no one on her side and decided to take things a step further and share her story with the world by appearing on “Dr. Phil”. It appears her loved ones have good reason to doubt her story, as Haley has taken six urine pregnancy tests and all have come up negative.
Haley claims that everyone just tells her that she’s “getting fat”, but she says that she “knows it’s Jesus”. The issue is causing a ton of chaos and tension within the family and even some physical altercations have nearly occurred.
The promo for the episode shows Haley losing her temper and she screams at her family “I pregnant!” which they again dismiss. Rest assured the truth will be revealed as Haley has agreed to partake in an ultrasound courtesy of the “Dr. Phil” show to prove her pregnancy (or non-pregnancy) once and for all!
We are not the biggest “Dr. Phil” fans, but this one definitely seems worth tuning in!