(PCM) Everyone is wrapped up in yet another internet photo debate over whether or not this image of a picnic in Germany shows a wall or a river in the background. It was posted in a German Facebook group and the debate has commenced.
The internet folks love a good optical illusion, as you can recall both The Dress, The Underwater Or Jumping In and the Girl with the Missing Leg photos left us pretty baffled! Usually they end up being fairly easy to figure out, but this one is really getting to us!
We are kind of leaning towards a river because the wooden planks look like they could be part of a dock of some sort on the left hand side of the image, however the rest of the background really does resemble a wall.
What do you think? Let’s hope some super internet sleuths hop on this case quickly and let us know once and for all just what in the world we are looking at and in the meantime, can we hop on in there and join the party!